
Self Care Saturday: Top 25 Ways to Recharge

We live in a world that doesn’t pause.

You find yourself caught up in the whirlwind of life. Each tick of the clock prompts a race against time.

So where do we find the moment to breathe, rest, or just be? 

That’s where self care Saturday gains its merit.

It’s one day of the week to focus on you. One day dedicated to personal well-being, inside and out. 

We’ve all seen the promotion of fancy bath bombs and attractive, yet shallow, self-care rituals. But, beneath these superficial frills is the undeniable importance of true self-care.

It goes far beyond simple skin-deep pampering.

Highlighted by a recent Harvard Medical School study, it’s the oasis needed in this desert of constant hustling. 

But how often do we allow ourselves to indulge?

Today, we’ll go beyond the superficial and explore 25 self care Saturday activities.

Self-Care Saturday or Self-Care Sunday: What’s in a Day?

Some argue that any day can be used for self-care, but the growing consensus is that Saturday is the best choice.

The reasoning is straightforward.

Saturday is the perfect transition between highly anticipated Fridays and anxiety-inducing Sundays.

If you struggle with Scary Sundays or anxiety about the week ahead, then Saturday may be the best day to unwind. 

It’s a comforting pause- time to relax without looming thoughts about Monday around the corner.

Whether you unwind with Self Care Sunday before the new week or de-stress with Self Care Saturday post-workweek, the key is dedicating a specific day weekly to prioritize self-care.

Choosing a specific day for your wellness routine promotes consistent healthy habits. 

What’s the best day for self care?

Personal schedules and preferences dictate the best day for self care, but there’s a compelling argument to be made for ‘Self Care Saturday.’

It balances unwinding from the workweek while fueling the following week’s energy. 

5 important considerations for Sunday vs. Saturday self care:

Work Schedule

If you have a traditional Monday-to-Friday job, ‘Self Care Saturday’ may help you decompress right after the workweek.

But, if your workweek doesn’t follow this pattern, you might prefer ‘Self Care Sunday’ as your rest day before the start of the next week.

Mental Prep for the Week

If you find that you need a day of relaxation before facing the new week, ‘Self Care Sunday‘ may be your best bet.

It can be a day to gather your thoughts, plan, and mentally prepare for the week ahead.

Energy Levels

Consider when you typically have the most energy.

If you’re generally more energized at the start of the weekend, ‘Self Care Saturday’ might be the best day for more active self-care activities.

If you’re more relaxed towards the end of the weekend, ‘Self Care Sunday’ could be a better fit.

Personal Commitments

Check your usual weekend commitments. If Saturdays are often full of social events or errands, ‘Self Care Sunday’ might be the most workable option.

On the other hand, if Sundays are often busy, ‘Self Care Saturday’ would be a better choice.

Routine Consistency

Reflect on which day you’re more likely to dedicate to self-care.

Consistency is important in any routine. That doesn’t mean it needs to be difficult. It could be dedicating a few hours on Saturday to unwind and do something that will fill your cup.

Whether it’s Saturday or Sunday, choose when you can regularly engage in time for yourself.

25 Ideas to Make the Most of Your Self Care Saturday

Now that we’ve discussed its importance, let’s get into a variety of activities that contribute to a successful self care day.

Keep in mind that these are suggestions – the ultimate aim is to engage in actions that fit you personally.

  1. Nature Walks: Studies show that being surrounded by nature can significantly decrease feelings of stress and anxiety.
  2. Journaling: Research supports that journaling can lead to improved mental health, including reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety. By writing down your thoughts and feelings, you gain insight into your emotions and potential triggers.
  3. Reading: Reading can transport you to a different world, which provides a welcome escape from daily stressors.
  4. Cooking: The creative process of cooking or baking can be extremely therapeutic for some.
  5. Meditation: Regular meditation has been linked with numerous health benefits, including reduced stress, increased focus, and better sleep.
  6. Gardening: Gardening can help reduce stress and improve mental health. Plus, growing your herbs or vegetables is a rewarding experience.
  7. Crafting: Activities like knitting, painting, or making DIY crafts can serve as a creative outlet and provide a sense of accomplishment.
  8. Dance Party: Put on your favorite music and have a dance party at home. It’s a fun way to release stress and boost your mood.
  9. Visit a Farmer’s Market: This allows you to support local businesses and get fresh produce, inspiring healthier meals.
  10. Watch a Documentary: This can be a form of relaxation and a way to broaden your knowledge about a particular topic of interest.
  11. Learn a New Skill: Using online platforms like Coursera or Khan Academy to learn something new can enhance your skills and improve mental stimulation.
  12. Volunteer: Giving your time to a cause you’re passionate about can provide a sense of purpose and happiness.
  13. Home Spa: A DIY face mask or a home manicure can be a relaxing and affordable way to pamper yourself.
  14. Aromatherapy: Essential oils like lavender and chamomile can reduce anxiety and promote sleep.
  15. Yoga: Regular yoga practice can increase flexibility, improve mental well-being, and help manage stress.
  16. Decluttering: A clean, organized space can improve productivity and bring peace of mind.
  17. Listening to Podcasts: Podcasts offer an array of topics that can entertain, educate, and inspire.
  18. Explore a New Place Locally: Discovering local attractions can make you appreciate your surroundings more and can serve as a mini-adventure.
  19. Baking: Baking can be therapeutic, and you end up with a delicious treat to enjoy.
  20. Stargazing: It’s a peaceful activity that can remind you of the vastness of the universe and help put your worries into perspective.
  21. Forest Bathing: The Japanese practice of immersing oneself in nature, known as Shinrin-Yoku, can help decrease stress and increase feelings of well-being.
  22. Bird Watching: It promotes mindfulness and offers a sense of tranquility.
  23. Digital Detox: Spending time away from screens can reduce stress and improve sleep.
  24. Play a Musical Instrument: Whether learning or already playing, this can be a relaxing and creative outlet.
  25. Try New Recipes: Experimenting with different recipes can be a fun way to explore new cultures and flavors while fueling your body with nutritious meals.


Self-care in modern society shouldn’t be an optional luxury or a passing trend.

It’s a necessary part of maintaining overall health.

Although any day can serve as a self-care day, ‘Self Care Saturday’ offers a unique sense of relief.

It’s a powerful buffer between the demands of the past week and the one that awaits, a chance to recharge.

When you dedicate every Saturday to self-care, you’re choosing to prioritize your well-being. This not only helps restore your spirit but also better equips you to face the challenges that lie ahead.

It’s a commitment to yourself that’s likely to bring more joy and fulfillment into your life.

Found your self-care sweet spot? Smash that share button and spread the Saturday self-care vibes.

Let’s inspire more to join the ritual!

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