Woman looks sadly at her feet, a visual echo of 'why don't I take care of myself.

Facing ‘Why Don’t I Take Care of Myself?’- 7 Must-Know Tips

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Have you ever found yourself questioning, “Why don’t I take care of myself?”

You’re not the only one.

This question pops up more often than you’d think for many of us.

I know how much of a battle it is when your mental health is in the dumps, and the future looks foggy.

The background noise of life rises to the forefront, and simple things like daily chores or replying to a text from a loved one can feel impossible. 

In this post, we’re going to face this question head-on.

We’ll get into why self-neglect happens, what it does to you, and how to start turning things around. Let’s get started.

Why don’t I take care of myself?

Sometimes, it’s because our days are just too packed, leaving no room for anything else.

Other times, it’s mental health issues like depression that make even the simplest self-care tasks feel like too much.

And for some, it’s years of putting others first, a habit that’s hard to break. 

These factors can turn self-care into a struggle instead of the soothing practice it should be.

Here are some top reasons why you may struggle with self-care:

Inadequate Treatment

Did you know that less than half of adults are getting the help they need for depression and anxiety disorders?

It’s a big deal.

When these conditions aren’t treated, it can lead to neglecting our self-care, which increases healthcare costs overall.

If you’re feeling so low that grabbing a bite to eat or jumping in the shower feels like a chore you don’t want to take on, it could be a sign of something deeper.

If that spark you felt for things you once loved is gone, for some, this can indicate depression and may require professional help.

Socioeconomic Status 

Taking care of ourselves can be a lot harder when we’re dealing with financial stress. 

A study conducted with black women showed how much your bank balance can affect your ability to look after yourself. 

The women struggling financially also had a harder time with self-care.

This was mainly because they didn’t have easy access to the resources they needed.

And you know what?

This often led to worse health outcomes in the long run.


Nearly 1 in 5 adults (19%) say their mental health is worse than it was at the same time last year.

Burnout is a real problem, and it’s not just for overworked office employees. 

From hardworking adults to even kids, anyone can experience it.

It’s more than tough jobs.

There’s an overwhelming struggle to manage life’s challenges.


Childhood shapes us.

If we were neglected as a child, self-care as an adult may be difficult to keep up with.

Psych Central points out that this can lead to unhealthy habits like poor diet or lack of exercise.

Add societal pressures or the fear ingrained in most of seeming selfish, and it’s easy to fall into a cycle of self-neglect.

5 Signs of Self-Neglect

Spotting the signs that you’re sidelining self-care is the first move in turning things around.

When your mind is in chaos, it’s easy for the important stuff to get lost in the storm. 

Here are some warning signals that your self-care might be neglected:

  1. Always Tired: Are you feeling worn out all the time, no matter how much sleep you get? That’s a sign you need to re-focus your energy on what’s most important.
  2. Emotional Rollercoaster: If stress and anxiety have become your everyday companions, it’s time to take a step back and take care of yourself.
  3. Putting Others First: Always looking out for others and forgetting about your own needs? That’s a red flag.
  4. Ignoring Your Health: Skipping meals or workouts, or brushing off health concerns? These are signs you need to prioritize self-care.
  5. Lost Joy: If you’ve lost interest in things you used to love, it’s a clear indication that you’re not taking care of yourself.

If any of these sound familiar, it’s time to put yourself back on the priority list

What happens if you don’t take care of yourself?

Skipping out on self-care will cause your body to start sending you SOS signals. 

You might start feeling tired all the time, even if you’ve been sleeping.

Or maybe you’re tossing and turning all night, unable to get that restful sleep you’re craving.

It could be catching every cold that’s going around because your immune system just can’t keep up.

But it’s not just physical, is it?

When we’re not taking care of ourselves, our emotions start to feel like a rollercoaster ride. 

One minute you’re anxious, your mind racing with a million thoughts.

The next, you’re feeling low, like a cloud of sadness is hanging above.

And sometimes, you may find yourself snapping at people, even when you don’t mean to.

The scary part?

Ignoring these signs causes them to pile up like a snowball rolling down a hill, growing as it continues.

Before you know it, you’re dealing with chronic health issues and your quality of life takes a nosedive.

What does it mean when you struggle to take care of yourself?

When you find it hard to take care of yourself, it’s usually a sign that something’s off. Here are a few reasons:

  • Low Physical Health: You might not be getting enough sleep, eating nutritious food, or getting regular exercise. These are the basics your body needs to function well.
  • Emotional Needs Neglected: You could be feeling lonely, stressed, or overworked. Maybe you’re missing out on relaxation time, or you’re not feeling connected to the people around you.
  • Life’s Out of Balance: Maybe you’re working too much, or not spending enough time on hobbies or activities you love. It could be a sign that you need to rebalance your life.
  • Need for Attention: It could be your mind’s way of telling you that something in your life needs to change. It’s a call to action to start taking better care of yourself.

7 Must-Know Tips To Get Out of the Rut

Self-care is personal and what works best for you might be different from what works for someone else.

The end goal is to find activities that you enjoy and help you get off the path of self-neglect.

Nutritional Support

Create a simple meal plan that requires minimal cooking.

Pre-packaged or pre-made meals can be a good start. If cooking is a challenge, consider a meal delivery service that aligns with your budget.

Basic Grooming Routine

Establish a daily hygiene routine.

Forget fancy self-care routines. Start with a set of daily tasks to check off your list that are hygiene-related.

Break it down into small steps if necessary, such as brushing teeth, showering, and combing hair.

Gratitude Journal

Each day, write down three things you’re grateful for. This can help shift your focus from negative thoughts to positive ones.

Plant Care

Gardening or even just caring for houseplants is often therapeutic.

Plus, it’s rewarding to see your plants grow and thrive.

My favorite is the Swiss Cheese plant for its unique leaf pattern.

I’ve had the most luck with Peace Lily plants because of their ability to thrive even after a few forgotten waterings.

Dedicated Self-Care Day

Choose one day over the weekend, either Saturday or Sunday, to dedicate entirely to self-care.

This doesn’t mean you need to book a retreat or plan something extravagant.

It could be as simple as staying at home, disconnecting from the world, and focusing on activities that bring you peace.

You could even create your own spa experience at home with a luxurious face mask or bath salts.

It’s a fun and affordable way to pamper yourself.

Clean Living Environment

If cleaning is too overwhelming, consider sharing your struggle with a close friend or family member who wouldn’t mind pitching in to help.

If it’s an option, you can even try hiring a cleaning service in your area to handle it for you.

Life Coach or Therapist

We all have days where self-care takes a backseat.

But if you constantly feel like you can’t or don’t want to take care of yourself, that’s not just a ‘bad day’ – it could be a sign of something more serious, like depression or burnout. 

If this sounds like you, it’s important to reach out for help.

You don’t have to face this alone, and there are people and resources available


Let’s be real – looking after yourself isn’t always a walk in the park, but it’s super important for your well-being.

I love Girl with Gut’s saying that “bad self-care is still self-care.”

Understand that progress takes time, and what you can’t do today, try again tomorrow.

If you’re finding self-care a bit of a struggle, don’t forget there’s help out there. 

And guess what? It’s totally okay to put yourself first at times.

You’re worth every bit of it. So, go on, give yourself that much-needed TLC!

Share the Love

If you found this post helpful, please share it with a loved one who you know may struggle with self-care.

Together, we can support one another in prioritizing our well-being.

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